Sunday, June 21, 2009

Friday Night Fun

Went down town Friday night with friends to listen to the Pandemonium Steel Drum Band playing at the square, then walked over to the Raven Cafe and to our surprise in the parking lot they had fire dancers from the group Pyroclectic performing. It was great night and good to be out among the living again.

flickr set


TomboCheck said...

very cool. I'm guessing that this was the group that was doing tsunami last night?

how neat to see a practice run!

NeceLynn said...

i don't know if they were the performing group Saturday...but it was very cool to be able to watch without so many people around :0)

Chickenbells said...

What a fun night, eh? You didn't even mention our foray into the club for a bit of dancing...there's nothing quite like 4 DJ's, drums and a bit of gypsy techno music to get your feet tapping...

And no, I don't think it was the group that was performing on Saturday...I believe the group that was at Tsunami was from Washington State (so my sources say) Nothing like FlamChen...but, a wonderful glance into our future...

NeceLynn said...

Sadie--I did neglect to mention the dancing and the DJ's. It was a lot of fun we will have to repeat :0)